воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

circuit electronic ignition transistor

�it seems that having a blog itapos;s king of trendy this days, and of course i am a trendy guy. :)
Now, i am not a good writer , i will just tell you that i am so happy that here i can post so many of the things i like: mostly you will see a lot of naked guys....
yes, i am in loved with the male body. Is there anything more beautiful? i donapos;t think so...even you ladies, agree with me, i am sure...
well, i guest for my first post, this is it.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

eanna ni lamhna

Friday. School was ok. And ya. Thinking back. I think i must plan for my modules. Because im very afraid i will fail aoop.

i dun like programming. I hate it man.

fridayapos;s MT training was 1 of the best i guess. Very very tiring lei.. Next time. I wan to go for 4laps instead of 3 laps.

then ya. When i was very very tired that time durin MT. Suddenly. I thought of liqour lol..

i imgined myself in a bar/pub. Then 1 person alone havin my drinks and just ya. Sit there and relax ah. Sounds very fun lei. Lol.

sat. Today. Nv go ah ma house. Wasted day. Sunday. Dunno wad to do also. Goin to be another wasted day i guess. Watch tv lo.


free standing deck plans, eanna ni lamhna, eannace funeral home.

eagle fight song tab

Iapos;m ok.
I got my car on the road and immediately went back to Lewiston. Vanessa and Kate came back with me and we made a gourmet meal just for the three of us. Salmon (cooked rare unlike Commons) and leeks. It was delicious. I felt good for a while.
I voted for Obama today. And other people as well but that was the most exciting one.
On my way out of city hall my mom told me she was glad i was feeling better. I told her i was just pretending.
i donapos;t want to have a repeat of last night but the truth is, nothing has really changed.

agios demetrios, eagle fight song tab, eagle fight song war, eagle fight song wav, eagle fight songs.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

conduit inc

Well, after the ordeal of soaking off my acrylic nails and seeing what damage was done to the one, Iapos;m on the mend. For right now, Iapos;m being careful not to snag my side-split on anything that might tear it off, hoping to bide some time until it grows out and I can clip it off. I did manage to smooth out my nails enough to where I can paint them at least, so today itapos;s "Kyoto Pearl" by OPI with a nice clear top coat. I did get a buffer block to further smooth them out with, but I think I can manage. Iapos;m re-learning to type yet again, but Iapos;m getting back up to speed now that Iapos;m typing like I used to.

Iapos;m also now more comfortable with myself and my self-expression, which has made a huge boost in my self-esteem. Some look at me and think Iapos;m bonkers doing what I do, but I really donapos;t care right now. Yes, I wear nail polish - itapos;s to keep my nails nice. Yes, I wear heels - itapos;s better than bloody sneakers. Yes, I have long hair - it keeps my head warm. I do what I like because it makes me feel better, and bollocks to those who canapos;t or wonapos;t deal with it. As Pete Burns once said....I am myself. Itapos;s quite funny actually....when we were moving into our new place, this quite inquisitive young man came up to me - probably around 10 or 11, and asked me "Can I ask you something?" I said "Sure, what?". He asked "Are you a boy or a girl?". I just said that I am a boy, and he then asked by I do my nails the way I do. I gave him as honest of an answer as I could think of........

Personal choice.

There seemed to be a light that dawned in his head that day. He smiled and rode off. Made my day, thatapos;s for sure. It all comes down to personal choice. Life is too short to be stuck in a stodgy old mold - you have to embrace what makes you happy. Iapos;m so glad I have a career at a place that is just fine with it, and in fact, has been very supportive.

Yeah.....itapos;s been a great week. Howapos;s yours been?
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